We’ve all heard the saying that facts tell, but stories sell. Simply put, no one cares about what your sales page says, they care about what results you’re getting your customers.
If you’re new here, I’m Tonya Johnson. I’ve been working full time from social media since 2016 while juggling all things marriage, motherhood, and money. This channel is for all the moms out their wearing all the hats and truly living that #bossmom life.
So how do you generate 5 star reviews for your business that compell new people in your audience to pull out their debit card and buy your product or service? It’s so easy! Here are 3 ways to grab those testimonials without breaking a sweat.
1. Ask For Them
If you have a client who is pretty outgoing and good with words, just ask if they’ll type up a few sentences for you, or if they’ll pop on camera for 30-60 seconds.
Give them a guideline:
I like to ask them to identify the pain point that they were having before my product. Introduce what product or service of mine they chose and what they really liked about it, or what made it stand out to them, and then give a clear call to action to either follow my business page or download a certain freebie. I put together a guideline you can send you customers included in this week's freebie.
2. Create testimonials from tagged stories and posts.
My son loves practicing his abcs using this new alphabet pack from Helping Hearts Homeschool.
Love the post and comment “Thanks so much for sharing”! Then I get to work asking the questions I need to fill in the blank.
First I identify the pain point that my product fixed. Since this one doesn’t have one, I’d ask “How were y’all practicing the alphabet before?” “You mentioned that he loves using our new alphabet practice pack, did he not like doing the worksheets y’all had before”? What about them did he not like? Or did he just not like the writing portion in general?
Now I have a lot of information to work with. I can ask one last question to piece it all together. “What’s his favorite part about the pack?” Now I have my testimonial using the before, insert product, now, method.
I’ve put together a pack of testimonial slides for you that you can download for free and edit to your brand. People think that testimonials have to be put together by the customer, but in reality, you can put them together yourself. Once I have this finished and ready to share, I send it to my customer and make sure he or she agrees with the overall testimonial.
3. Create testimonials from one on ones.
If you’re in the coaching industry like I am, you do a lot of one on ones. Something I started doing, probably later than I should have, is record all of my one on ones, so I could play them back and cut them up for testimonials. I always tell my client ahead of time that the video call will be recorded, so they can show up accordingly. Some of my best testimonials come from these candid sessions. I can either grab the recorded version, or I can type out their testimonial following the steps above in #2.
I’ve put together 15 different testimonial graphics for you that you can edit to your own brand. These come in 3 sizes, so you can use them across all social platforms while still being able to throw them up on your website. BONUS: I've also created an editable template for you to send directly to your customers with all the info they need to create a really good testimonial (video or written) that you can then use to attract more customers.
Click the button below to download your FREE testimonial pack
Ok, so 3 action steps to write down and do immediately.
1. Go grab that testimonial pack and download it for future use.
2. Ask 5 of your best clients for written or video testimonials.
3. Go back through your tagged posts and create 3-5 additional testimonials.
Until next time, I’m Tonya Johnson teaching you how to balance all things marriage, motherhood, and money. Have a great rest of your week.
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