We all want 2023 to be our BYIB (best year in business) right? Right! I'm going to share with you three things that are guaranteed to kill your business in 2023! I'm going to share them with you, so you can avoid them...

1. Not Having Clear Goals

My goals used to be things like "I want to make more money", "I want to rank up", "I want to attract more clients", etc. Good goals, but super general. When I got clear and specific with my goals, that's when I started hitting them! 

Instead of: 

I want to make more money


I want to make $50,000 in 2023, so $4167 per month or $962 per week. 

Also, be realistic. If your current income is $50 per week, setting a goal of $50,000 per year may not be the best idea UNLESS you're willing to shell out some cash, hire a coach, and take the shortcut. 

Instead of: 

I want to rank up


I want to reach silver by dec 2023. 

Also worth noting, the best goals are action goals vs result goals because you have 100% control of them. So if your goal is a certain rank, break that down further into an action goal. What are you doing daily for your business to hit that goal?

Instead of: 
I want to attract more clients. 


I want to attract 12 new clients that pay full price ($1997) in the year 2023. 

Then you'd break that down into actionable steps. 

If you're a little hazy on goal setting, check this goal setting blog out and start achieving those dreams! 

2. Not Establishing Priorities

If you're wasting time in the moment trying to figure out what to work on, you're doing it wrong. Check out the "Organize Your Life" training session for more on this, but here's a rough outline of what you're going to want to do. 

-Once per week, write down everything you need to get done in the next 7 days. 

-Take that list and label each item with an A,B,or C

A- I HAVE to do this this week

B- I SHOULD do this this week

C- I WANT to do this this week, but if I run out of time, I can do it next week. 

-After you have your list prioritized, create a mock schedule. Don't know what that is? Check out the BossMom Scheduling System for all the deets, or watch the corresponding training video that goes along with this blog. 

The goal of a mock schedule is simply to be able to hit the ground running when your feet hit the ground each morning. No time wasted figuring out what to do because you took about an hour one time and figured out your priorities for the entire week. So awesome! 

3. Being Disorganized 

Yes, organization is something that can make or break your business! How do you follow up, if you don't have a list of leads? How do you make sure your customers are happy if you don't have them on a list somewhere? I could go on and on...

In addition to disorganization within your business, overall disorganization in your life could also lead to negative results in your business because it's hard to focus on your business tasks when everything else around you is chaos. 

Final Thoughts

I know these tips are simple, but we're over halfway through the first month of the new year. If nothing changes, nothing changes. Do you want 2023 to be your best year yet? If so, now's time to take action. I'm rooting for you! 

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