When it comes to recruiting new business partners into your network marketing business, there are 4 F-words you MUST be talking about.

Not THOSE kind of F words, get your head out of the gutter 🤣

These F-words 👇🏻


This is where yes, you get to talk about the fun trips your company hosts, but also where you get to showcase the fun that you get to do on the daily because you work from social media.

What’s that? Your life is boring? Make it fun! My life is boring too. I’m a stay at home homeschool mom; it’s not very glamorous. This is where you need to know your target audience though. Not sure what that is?

Check out my branding course.

Ok, so what’s fun to your audience? My audience is a bunch of homeschool moms, so while yes, free trips to Florida where the company puts us up in 5 star hotels and wines and dines us are awesome, that’s not what attracts majority of my clients.

Family trips to the pool, library, aquarium, zoo, the beach, etc are what my audience likes to see. I’m in the homeschool trenches right along with them, the only difference is social media allows us to live like we’re on vacation anytime we want to. Our life is fun because I make it fun. We all have that power, but it takes a little bit of planning to get out of your house and go do something.


This one can overlap a little with the fun side of the business, and that’s ok! Most of us don’t live near each other, so trips are an easy way to foster that relationship. When my husband and I travel, we usually will look up and see if any of our teammates are within a couple hours of where we’re gong and make it a point to stop and have a meal with them because we generally like being with them. We know that the friendships we make in this industry are real, regardless of if that person is on the team long term or just for a season, so why aren’t we showing it?

A couples other ways to show the friendships are by showing work zooms and team bingo nights via zoom


This is an easy one, yet so many people get it wrong. You don’t need to talk about the big bonuses you’re getting, talk about the little daily and weekly bonuses.

When I post about the 4K bonuses I earn, it’s crickets, but when I talk about the $150 weekly bonuses I’m getting, people flood my inbox.


As I’m typing this we’ve been home for a whole week and a half rom Traveling AGAIN because of this business. 6 years ago i was running a small, family owned call center. It was fun, but it was super demanding and I worked 6 days a week plus there were times I would get calls during off times to ask questions on the marketing side of things because the owner wasn’t exactly tech savvy. If my husband went out of town for the week for work, I sure as heck wasn’t going with him. Now i own my own time and travel when I want to. It’s amazing!

Maybe you’re not at that point yet, what DO you have the freedom to do? And yes, freedom overlaps a lot of the other areas.

Do you have the freedom to financially support your kids and teens in their sports activities?

Do you have the freedom to be present at your kids and teens sports activities? Actually go to all the games and practices?

Do you have the freedom to practice self care by leisurely journaling in the morning instead of rushing out the door to pick up some overtime hours?

Do you have the freedom to workout in the afternoons instead of being chained to a desk?

Do you have the freedom to cook home cooked meals every night for your family because you’re not exhausted from working a 12 hour shift?

Do you have the freedom to (fill in the blank)?

Talk about it!

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