Let’s play a little imagination game. Imagine that this is how your morning starts, pretty much every morning👇🏻

You wake up well rested and slip your feet into the fuzzy slippers beside your bed. The house is quiet as you head downstairs to start the coffee. On the way, you light your favorite scented candle and put your earbuds in. Nothing is better than starting your morning with some self development.

Fast forward a few hours and you’ve finished your workout, gotten a shower, enjoyed your coffee as you journaled while listening to the birds chirp, and now it’s time to wake up your kids and get them
started on a productive day. Your schedule is laid out. You are ready to be supermom while crushing your business goals. You go to bed feeling accomplished and like you’ve earned a good night’s sleep.

Now imagine yourself in this one 👇🏻

You’re pulled out of a dream to the sound of kids fighting in the next room. As you run through your cluttered bedroom and into an even more cluttered hallway, you land on something sharp and painful. Blasted Barbie shoes, you tell yourself, “why can’t they ever pick their crap up”. You break up the fight, yell at both kids, and rush down to see if the hubby started coffee. “Of course he didn’t” you think, “he never does, it’s always on me”.

You don’t have time to make coffee AND have a quick shower, so you choose shower, irritably usher your grumpy kids out the door with pop tarts in hand and hope you don’t hit any red lights because you’re already on track to be late.

8 hours later your house is still a mess, nothing on your task list got accomplished, and you haven’t even thought of dinner, but it’s time to get the kids from school. “Where the heck did my day go?”, You think as you rush back to the school house. After a few hours of chaos, the kids are finally in bed, and now it’s your time to catch up on your favorite show as you scroll facebook. You’ll drift to sleep around midnight and wake up tomorrow to perform the same cycle.

Also on tomorrow’s checklist is messaging that lady that got you into network marketing, because you haven’t made any money yet, so clearly the business model doesn’t work. It can’t have anything to do with your awesome time management skills. You’re in a constant state of overwhelm, but this just must be mom life. Why fight it?

Now that you’ve put yourself in both of these women’s shoes. Which one feels better? Which one is closer to your reality? Which one would you rather be? The awesome thing is the choice is yours.

Here are 5 things you can do every morning to ensure that you have a good day, every day. Warning: This may require you to get up before your children AND go to bed when they do, but I promise you it’s worth it. These are in no specific order, but I will include how i incorporate them into my schedule at the end. 

1. Set the mood

As soon as you spring out of bed, light a candle or diffuse some oils, and put in your earbuds. You can choose between uplifting music, a podcast, youtube playlist, anything. There’s no right or wrong, just start stimulating your mind. I love worship music first thing in the morning, then I love switching over to a self development podcast about 30 min in.

2. Fuel Up

Grab a tall glass of water and drink it while your coffee is brewing.  Not a coffee drinker? Or maybe you just don’t enjoy it first thing in the morning? That’s ok! Grab your favorite beverage and sit down to enjoy it. I personally love to head out to the backyard and enjoy my drink as I’m journaling and listening to the birds chirp. 

3. Get ready for the day

This doesn’t have to be a big production, but for sure take a shower and brush your hair/teeth. You’ll feel instantly refreshed at that point. You can decide makeup or no makeup and lounge wear or a skirt and blouse, just make sure they’re clean.

4. Workout

Again, this doesn’t have to be a production. You absolutely can head to the gym at 5 am and be your best iron woman for an hour, or you can simply take a walk with your kids when they wake up. The goal is just to get your body moving which will automatically send feelings of happiness to your brain.

5. Journaling/Devotions

This can look however you want it to, just feed your mind. Personally I spend 20 min journaling, 20 min reading my bible, and 20 minutes reading a personal or professional development book. if you’re not sure where to start with journaling, start here.

As I mentioned, these are in no specific order. Here’s what a typical morning for me looks like. Is this EVERY morning? No! I’m human just like you are, but the more frequent you can hit these 5 steps, the better your overall life will be.

I typically wake up and head straight to the kitchen for my water and vitamins. From there I head to the gym for a workout where I’ve got my earbuds in for some stimulation, then come home and make my husband’s lunch and breakfast and prep any dinner elements we’ll need. Ahhh, my favorite part, out to the backyard with some hot tea, my journal, my bible, and a good book. Glori will join me sometime during my journaling hour with her audio and a coloring page or craft.

After journaling I’ll head inside to shower and get dressed while she does independent school or starts her responsibilities, her choice. Once I’m clean and refreshed (usually about 8am) I’ll make my coffee and sit down and glance over the schedule for the day before we start crossing off tasks and making memories.

If this seems overwhelming, just implement one thing at a time. Do that one thing consistently for a week or so, then add the next. You don’t have to do it all at once.

Check back here next Friday see what you could be doing before bed that’s sabotaging your morning routine.

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