Ever feel like you just don’t know what kind of content to make now that your social media page is your business and not just for fun anymore? 

Don’t worry, this isn’t another content schedule of what you need to post on what day because we all have different audiences and different things going on in our lives. This is simply my formula to make sure your social media content is turning into dollars in your pocket. Keep your Content F.R.E.S.H. and you’ll never run out of new prospects.

If you’re new here, I’m Tonya Johnson. I’ve been working full time from social media since 2016 while juggling all things marriage, ministry, and motherhood. This channel is for all the moms out their wearing all the hats and truly living that #bossmom life. We do all the things, so why not simplify our to do list while maximizing our paychecks. 

A lot of y’all are new here part of the new bossmom creator course. You can start posting content and prepping your audience for the digital products you’re about to drop. Product want to create-content around that, if not, just create fun, mom relatable content for now. Showing up as a way to like I said prep your audience.

F - Funny

Funny content is pretty self explanatory, and it can also be swapped with positive content depending on your brand. The idea is to post something that is going to get a lot of people sharing it. Reels are a great way to do this. 

R - Responsive

Responsive content is content designed to generate responses that make sense. What I mean by they need to make sense is they need to be aligned with your brand, do not post engagement bait. Engagement bait makes you look desperate for interaction and like you don't know what you're doing. 

Examples of engagement bait questions:
Ketchup or mustard
Apple cider or hot chocolate
Pic of steak asking what number from the picture do you like your steak cooked to

There's not connection with these questions to your brand. This is classic engagement bait and will get you some comments, but will also turn people away from your business because they now don't take you serious. 

Examples of responsive questions that connect with my brand as a homeschooler:

Picture of my daughter and myself at the pool with the caption: Schooling from the pool today. What's your favorite place to homeschool from? 

I've just been asked to do a training on homeschool schedules, what questions do you guys have about scheduling your homeschool that I can cover?

E - Emotional

These posts are designed to elicit a certain emotion from your audience about your product without actively selling to them. Your goal is to make them want to buy your product, but you want it to be their idea. All you're doing is telling a really good story. This could be sharing your own story with the products or sharing someone else's story. Be sure to watch the corresponding video for more on this.

S - Sales

Yes, there is a time and a place to post sales posts on your page. When you get really good at selling, you'll naturally sell on your other types of posts also without anyone knowing. Straight sales posts however, are going to happen once every 5 or so posts (no more), and they're going to be non-spammy. 

H - Helpful

Helpful posts are just that, they help your audience fix a pain point. Here's the kicker, if they have to buy something in order to be helped, it's no longer a helpful post, it's a sales post. Educate your audience and provide value on a consistent basis and they will consistently buy your products. It's really that simple. If you don't have a solid brand, you won't be able to consistently reach your dream audience, and you'll never make it past the glass ceiling in your business. Not sure where to start? Click here 

FREEBIE - Social Media Strategy

This formula is exactly what I follow to use social media to pay my bills.

Ok, so 3 action steps to write down and do immediately.

1. Watch the Free Social Media Strategy

2. Carve out 30 min and plan your next 7 days worth of posts following the F.R.E.S.H formula. 

3. Grab a free consultation and I will personally help you tweak your social media strategy. 

Want to Take the Short Cut?

Until next time, I’m Tonya Johnson teaching you how to manage all things marriage, motherhood, and money. Have a great rest of your week.


If you like anything you see, simply click on the picture for more information. 

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