When I made my first freebie, I googled how to make a landing page, and I got hundreds of links from google that included titles like "37 things your landing page needs" and "click here for your 58 point checklist for a landing page that converts". Y'all, I was so overwhelmed! What made it even worse is that I spent hours looking through so many of these links and the verbiage wasn't even stuff I understood. Like it was purposely written in a way that was overcomplicated and then every single one of them just led me to a paid course they wanted me to buy on how to put together a winning landing page. 

If you’re new here, I’m Tonya Johnson. I’ve been working full time from social media since 2016 while juggling all things marriage, ministry, money, and motherhood. This channel is for all the moms out their wearing all the hats and truly living that #bossmom life. We do all the things, so why not simplify our to do list while maximizing our paychecks. 

Today I'm going to simplify landing pages for you. There are some crucial elements you need to include, but there's not 50 of them (insert eye roll here). I have 9 things I'm going to share with you, and I'm going to include examples, so make sure you check out the corresponding video to this. I've removed all the fluff and just included what you actually need to know, so you can set your landing page up with clarity and then move on to your next task. We're all about simplifying tasks and moving forward with extreme clarity around here. 

Two Types of Landing Pages

First thing's first: We are taking about a freebie landing page, also known as an opt-in page, not a paid product landing page. They are vastly different in how you set them up, so keep that in mind. These 9 steps are for the opt-in pages for freebies. Verbiage wise, I will be using the term opt-in page from here on out because that's what I call a landing page for a freebie where when I say landing page I'm referring to my paid products. 

What's the Purpose of an Opt-In Page?

An opt-in page simply leads people from wherever you’re marketing into your world which means it needs to be cohesive with your overall brand. I made this mistake where I had a pretty awesome social media page with very high quality content and then I had high quality freebies and products with a website that looks very professional, then my landing pages looked like this. 

I literally threw them together because done is better than perfect. Unfortunately, more than 50% of my visitors ended up not putting in their info and grabbing the freebie. After redoing my landing pages, I now have close to a 75% sign up rate vs a 50%.

Above the fold - Warm Market

Above the fold is for the part of your audience that knows without a shadow of a doubt that you're the real deal, and they want your freebie. 

1. Title

A good title is incredibly clear on not only what the audience is getting, but who the audience is. All of these steps are elaborated on more (and have examples) in the corresponding video

2. Aesthetics

As I mentioned above, your landing page is an extension of your brand. Too often when I have a new client book out a clarity call with me, the first things I notice is that they have an amazing website that showcases a very put together brand and business, but their landing pages and their social media pages aren't a reflection of that at all. It's like there's a disconnect between the two. A couple things fall under this category, but the two main ones are color scheme and graphics. As you can see on the corresponding video, my landing page contains the same brand colors as both my website and my socials. Graphic wise, spend the extra minutes making your graphic on your landing page look just as polished and put together as the graphics on your website do. Another option is to swap the graphic for a 1-2 min video showing what your freebie is while explaining what it does. 

3. Hook

The hook could be part of your title, or it could be right under your title. The idea behind a hook is to get your audience to go "ooooh, I have to download this!".

4. Info Field

The less you require, the more people will actually sign up with you. Personally, I just ask for a first name and an email address. If you have a texting service that you use, you can ask for a phone number also. 

5. Call to Action

The call to action is the last thing you need above the fold. This should be a button or highlighted potion of text that is easy to recognize as the next step your lead needs to take. As you'll see during the rest of my opt-in page, I add ctas multiple times below the fold because I want it very clear that I want to my lead to do one thing and one thing only, download my freebie. 

Below the Fold - Cold Market

Below the fold is for the part of your market that still needs some convincing. They clicked on the link for your opt-in page not because they're 100% sold, but because they want to see what all the hype is about. My below the fold is divided into 4 parts (6-9). I also include a cta button with each of these 4 sections.

6. Value

Why does my audience need this freebie? For these, you want to include emotional statements vs simply stating features of your product. Example:

Feature: This pack has some questions and journaling prompts for you to make your landing page better. 

Emotional: Do you spend hours creating a really cool lead magnet only to get crickets? Squash that frustration with these 4 questions guaranteed to have your audience opting in to your freebie every time! 

You'll want to keep these reasons to 3-5 bullet points max. 

7. Sample

Take the extra few minutes and create a professional looking graphic that showcases some of the pages or elements of your freebie. People want to know what they're getting before they commit to giving you their info. 

8. Bio

It's not enough for people to be sold on your lead magnet, they need to be sold on you. What is it about your story that gives you credibility in your industry? Remember, this is part of the section that is designed to convince the part of your audience that isn't sold on you yet. Brag on your self a little. 

9. Simple Sign Up

I always include one last, simple sign up option at the very bottom of my landing page that includes the title and hook of my freebie. 

FREEBIE - Landing Page Playbook 

With a checklist, mind map, and mini work book, you'll never again have to spend hours creating a freebie that only a handful of people sign up for! Create a landing page that convinces even the most skeptical audience to enter in their info and then enjoy watching them become a raving fan of your brand! 

Ok, so 3 action steps to write down and do immediately.

1. Download the Landing Page Playbook and go ahead and print off the checklist and mind map, so they're ready for use when you need them. 

2. Share your completed landing page in our BossMom community. We'd love to give you feedback, plus, it's a great way to attract a few new buyers to your business.

3. Grab a free consultation and I will personally help you tweak your final landing page before you publish it.

Want to Take the Short Cut?

Until next time, I’m Tonya Johnson teaching you how to manage all things marriage, motherhood, and money. Have a great rest of your week.


If you like anything you see, simply click on the picture for more information. 

BossMom Creator Course - Create Lead Magnets that Convert

If you're looking to convert your cold audience into hot leads QUICKLY, this is for you! What we're going to show you how to do is create amazing printables and digital products that your audience 

will be lining up to download. This is for the person who understands the importance of lead magnets, but need a little extra help actually creating them. This course also includes our upcoming vault of ready to use lead magnets ($197 value) that you can customize, giveaway, and/or sell with your own name on them

BossMom Branding Boot Camp

In this three step course, I’ll walk you through finding your perfect brand, creating a killer logo, and attracting your dream clients all through social media WITHOUT being spammy or becoming a walking billboard for you company. 

When you start focusing on adding value instead of simply making sales, the money will come in freely.

Social Media Overhaul

Know your social media needs a makeover, but just don’t have time to do it yourself? That’s exactly who this option is for! We have 3 different one time options as well as an ongoing partnership if you’re looking for someone to make 

content for you on a consistent basis. Book a free consultation to see if one of these is a good fit for your business.

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