For a long time I bought into the hustle culture. I joined network marketing in 2016 for a way to not only earn a little extra money, but more importantly, to get some of my time back to spend with my daughter.


You see, at the time of me joining, my daughter was in daycare full time, and I hated it. I wanted to be able to raise her full time without sacrificing income. A dream, I know… but I found a way.

Unfortunately that way had me on my phone 24/7 and messaging was the main task. Talk about yuck! We were told to post every hour (so no joke like 10 times a day) AND message 200+ people per day. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against reaching out, BUT when that’s all you do AND the messages are super spammy, it gets old real quick.

Good news is I was able to replace my full time income doing that, bad news was I had very little EXTRA free time. Now, instead of working 8-12 hours a day from the office while someone else raised my daughter, I was working 8-12 hours a day from my living room while my daughter entertained herself/destroyed my house.

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed it more than never seeing her, and we definitely had a little more bonding time, but it wasn’t sustainable. I was burning the candle on both ends and never felt like i was caught up in any area of my life.

This is where the BossMom Scheduling System was born. More on that later (Check back on June 21st for that blog) because although it transformed my life and my productivity, it still didn’t fix the fact that i was still working way more hours than I wanted.

Fast forward to now, and through a lot of trial and error, I found a way to not only sustain my income, but keep it growing, in only three hours per day!! No more spammy messages or being glued to my screen. I’ve been doing the Network Marketing DMO list now for 2 years, and I’m finally ready to share!! This is a simple system of 6 daily tasks (really 5, but #6 is necessary a few times a month if you’re not an influencer or you’re not utilizing the free facebook ad system)

This list is specific to network marketers, if you’re interested in influencer marketing, your list (keep reading) would be more content oriented where you would be generating leads in an indirect approach rather than a direct approach like this one. I’ll include the influencer marketing list at the bottom as well, but for the beginner network marketer who doesn’t have a large audience and needs money like yesterday, the network marketing DMO list is for you.

Learn more about network marketing vs influencer marketing here


Network Marketing DMO list

1. Update your 100s list

-This is a fancy term for write down everyone you talked to yesterday, so you can follow up with them today.

2. Follow ups

-Follow up with everyone you talked to yesterday

3. Check in on yesterday’s ads

-My company uses the free facebook ad system to generate leads. It is unique to the company I work for, so utilize whatever lead generating system your company uses. This could be facebook parties, paid ads, in person parties, events, etc. The goal here is to simply gather new leads that may be interested in your product or service into your personal organization.

4. Put up new ads

-Again, if you’r not in the same company as I am, replace this with lining up new parties, setting up a new event, posting a new paid ad, etc. The goal here is to ALWAYS be generating new leads. If you can do it while you’re sleeping, even better!

5. Birthday messages

-Simply wish everyone a happy birthday on your facebook page. The goal here IS NOT to bring the business or products up with them EVER during this conversation.


Nothing is worse than getting a “happy birthday! Here’s a $10 off coupon to use on my website for any purchase $50 or more” or “happy birthday! I’m giving all my friends that have birthdays the opportunity to host a party this month and earn free products” Ok spammy Sammy, no thanks.


It’s simply to make a connection, so they know you’re a real person, and when they see your content in the future, they’ll be more apt to reach out to you. Best case scenario? They see your posts and become a customer or business partner.

Worse case scenario? You make someone’s day by being a nice person. It only takes 5 min, and who knows, you may find someone you really vibe with and become good friends with them. I can’t tell you how many awesome homeschool moms I’ve met this way. This task really is a win-win.


6. Reach outs on instagram and/or facebook.


This task is only necessary if you don’t have enough new leads from task #3. With the system my company uses, we rarely have to do reach outs, but it’s definitely an option, and it’s a necessary one if you don’t have a lead generating system in place OR you’re running for a huge monthly goal and need more leads than the system you’re using is providing.


I know i know this is the icky task that no one wants to do, but again, that’s because you’ve been taught to do it in a way that is salesy. Reach out in a genuine way and simply ask if someone is open to taking a look at your product or service. The worst they can do is say no. Here’s one of my go to scripts for the business side:


Hey Linda, I know you don’t know me, but you’ve popped up in my newsfeed a few times, so i figured I’d reach out. I teach other women how to make extra income from social media, would you be open at taking a look at what i do? If not, no worries!


Notice i didn’t assume they needed extra money, didn’t address them as hey girl, didn’t give them false flattery, and didn’t ask them for a favor.


If you want to reach out about your product, simply change the verbiage to reflect a product instead of the business.


Example: Hey Linda, I know you don’t know me, but you’ve popped up in my newsfeed a few times, so i figured I’d reach out. I teach other women how to swap out chemical based products for cleaner ones, would you be open to taking a look at what we’re using? If not, no worries!


If we’re part of the same company, here is a video series i created to go along with the DMO list that is specific to our business and our products.


Ok, so now let’s flip the script and talk about influencer marketing. This is such a fun space!! The good news is you can choose which side of the coin you’d like to work, or you can do a combination of both while you’re building up an audience.


In order to successfully compete this list, you will need to develop a personal brand. This is trial and error, no obligation to dive in head first right now, but be thinking about a few different questions in order to start building your brand.


What topic are you passionate about and enjoy teaching/educating on?


Who is your target audience for that topic?


What products or services do you have that will benefit that audience, and how will it benefit them?


If you need more help figuring out your brand, the Branding Bootcamp may be for you.



Once you’ve figured out your brand, here’s the DMO list you would be following.


Monthly: Creating monthly content. If you like creating, this is the fun part of the job for you. If not, suffer through it anyways, because I promise MORE leads will come into your business when you start showing up both with consistency AND quality.


Here’s a little backstory as to why I’m so passionate about teaching this. Most of y’all know i run two instagram pages, this one and a homeschool account. I don’t have a social media manager, homeschooling takes up the time of a full time job, my husband and i also volunteer hours each week to ministry, and on top of that I consistently enroll high amounts of volume into my network marketing business, to say i didn’t have time to create daily, quality social media posts was an understatement.


At first i allotted 45 min each morning to content creation for the day. That worked AMAZING on the days i rolled out of bed before the sum, got my workout in, did my reading and journaling, and got those creative juices flowing. My content was fire!! The problem? About 25% of the time i was just throwing a post up because my morning didn’t go as planned, but i still needed to “show up”.


Here’s what i do now instead, and it’s a total game change. 2 days at the beginning of each month to prep content, that’s it. When you’re just starting out, you could easily do this in less time, I’m just telling you what it takes me.


Here’s my process:


1. Decide how many and what kind.

Reels, posts, live videos, those are the three main content types I would focus on. For me, i also throw in there blog posts and emails, but as a beginner, I’d just focus on social media. A good place to start would be 3-5 reels, 1 live video, and 3-5 posts per week.


2. Plan from biggest to smallest

Live video, posts, then reels

Also, repurpose content

If i do a live video about the 4 types of learning styles, im also going to make a reel and post each about the same topic


***creep other creators in your niche for ideas. Don’t copy them, but you can definitely take inspiration from them.


3. Create the content and save it so when the day comes, you can just hit post.


Daily DMOS


1. Get in your stories 5-10 times per day. This should be a mix of you showing your real, normal life as well as you using the products you’re sharing with your audience.


2. On instagram, go to a popular hashtag in your niche, click “recent”, and leave meangingful comments on posts in that section.


3. Follow people that use hashtags connected with your niche, and interact with them.


4. On facebook, interact inside facebook groups connected to your niche. When you come across someone in a group that you resognate with, add them as a friend. DO NOT MASS ADD, this should be a genuine connection.


5. Go through stories and interact in the dms.


6. Have conversations in the comment section of your own posts, videos, and reels.


As i stated in the video above, network marketing is going to make you quicker money with less work, BUT influencer marketing is more fun and gives you a chance to build something compeletly authentic to you. Most people start out with NWM and evolve into Inf. Marketing, but it’s 100% up to you.


Hope this DMO list helped! I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments.










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