These are a few non-negotiable tasks that I do every day and then a few things that I do monthly and weekly to make my business run smoothly as well.  There are a ton of free bonus resources along the way as well! 

Let's get the monthly/weekly tasks out of the way first. 

Monthly/bi-weekly- Prep your content for your social media. If your page provides no value, no one is going to be on your page... period. If you're unsure how to add value, check out the video linked at the bottom of this section as we go over how and what to post on social to keep people coming back to your page consistently. 

I take 1 day and prep for 2 weeks, so I prep 8 live videos (create the scripts), make 8 YouTube/IG graphics to go along with the videos, 8 email blasts, 4 blog posts, 4 freebie funnels, 30 posts (10 value, 10 positive, 10 funny)

Now, I'm, being transparent with y'all to show you the work in real time, not to overwhelm you. Keep in mind I run 2 businesses/brands, so this content is half and half, it's not all for one page.  I've also been doing this for seven years and add on as I go, so if you're new to the industry or you've been taught more short term tasks (cold messaging, spam posting, etc.) and are now transitioning to marketing, then your content prep is going to look a whole lot different than mine

If you're just starting out with value content and monthly prep, I'd aim for creating this content each month:  4 value posts, 4 funny posts, 4 positive quotes, 4 live videos, 1 freebie (not sure how to create a freebie funnel? info linked below this section). 

If that still overwhelms you, break it down to weekly. Each Sunday sit down and create 1 value post, 1 funny post, 1 positive quote, 1 live video, so 4 posts total.  

Now, the exception to my big prep session is-reels. I do those weekly because that’s how much I can mentally handle filming. After an hour or so and 2-3 outfit changes I'm usually mentally done. 

If you're building an email list, the rest of your posts outside of those 4 can be personal because your freebie funnels and your email list are doing 99% of the selling for you. Super simple! Now if you're not quite to the point of having a list or a funnel going yet, you're going to want to throw up a sales post or two in there each week also. Remember, no matter what stage in the game you are,  EVERYTHING revolves around your brand, we're going to help you get really good at selling without selling, also known as dripping. 

Side note: live videos are optional, but they do bring leads, create automatic trust, likability, relatability, etc., so I highly recommend doing them. 

The exception to this is if you sell makeup. Live videos aren’t an option at that point, you need to do makeup tutorials. All the top selling distributors in all of these makeup companies do makeup tutorials. If someone signed you up with the notion that you didn't have to do the same, they lied to you. 3-4 makeup tutorials per week should be added to your schedule if you want to be successful in your company UNLESS you are doing face to face parties in people's homes. 

The good side to that is that makeup is a super easy way to grow your following FAST. I’ve seen people with no brand direction at all that happened to be really good makeup tutorials grow their following HUGE! Keep mind though, those people are only following you for your makeup tutorials, when you stop posting, they stop engaging. Rarely will people hit unfollow, but your page will say 40k followers and you'll have less than 100 likes on your posts, so you need to add value to your page OUTSIDE of those tutorials as well in order to keep your audience engaged if you ever go a different direction. 

Now on my weekly list is doing my followups which is simply going back and talking to anyone that expressed interest in my product or service. Because I've been working really hard to learn smart marketing, I followup through my email list which takes about 5 min. I create an email and send it, period. If you're where I was a couple years ago when no one had taught me email marketing, you’re going to have to spend 60-90 min to do this on social AND do so in 30 min increments so you don’t get blocked. So each Friday I'd put in my calendar to follow up with everyone from the 2-3 weeks before. 

The exception to this would be if you work In network marketing meaning space meaning you didn’t create you product. You'll want to follow up daily with your leads PLUS add in the weekly follow up with everyone from the last 2-3 weeks. Why do you need to do this? Because network marketing is an impulse buy. The products are not in hight demand, they're usually viewed as luxury vs necessity (yes, even health and wellness), cheaper versions can be found else where, and you have hundreds of thousands of people selling the exact same thing, so even if your prospect wants your product, they have their pick of buyers. Successful network marketers are aggressive in their followup strategy. When I was heavy in my NWM company and bringing in 75-100 new customers PER MONTH, I was a followup up queen and very aggressive. You have to be in order to be successful in the industry. 

It's a little bit different if you’re leading with a freebie of your own because you’ve already given them something of value, so usually the loyalty has begun to form, but you still need to follow up daily because they have thousands of options on where to buy the product you’re selling. If you’re part of the creator course, so you have your own products you’re selling, weekly is fine. They can only order through you, so there’s no need to be near as aggressive. 

Let me start the daily task list section off by saying, "your content is already prepped and for most of you reading this, follow ups only need to be done once a week, so the bulk of your work is done. Enjoy your family and your life". The daily task list only takes a couple hours IF you're doing this full time, less than that if you're new or you've got systems in place working for you. Social marketing brings freedom...enjoy it! 

The first part of the daily task list is generic meaning everyone should be doing it regardless if you work online or not. For that reason, I don't count these as part of my "daily work time" because they're not actually work haha just good habits to live by. 

1. Create your daily schedule and to do list

2. Do your journaling

3. Workout or get your body moving. I do this while listening to a podcast that goes along with the industry I'm In (social marketing, selling, IG growth, etc.) or the niche that I'm marketing to (homeschooling). 

4. Plan something fun with your family. This could be as simple as playing a game, cooking together, going on a walk, etc. It doesn't have to be big, but remember the reason you started in the social marketing space in the first place. 

Ok, let's talk about the 5 BUSINESS tasks that all social marketers should be doing daily. At the end of this section is a "business task tracker" I've put together for y'all. It's completely free. All that I ask is that if you find value in this blog post that you share it with someone you know who's also building a business online and may be looking to maximize their paycheck as well. If any of the tasks seem confusing, or you'd like some additional tips, scroll up to the top of this page and watch the corresponding video that goes along with this post.

Task #1 Post. Since all your content is already created, you just have to hit buttons and send it out into the internet world. - 15 min

Task #2 Build connections on instagram (there's a video below explaining this one along with #4) -30 min

Task #3 Grow on instagram- follow AND engage with accounts you enjoy -15 min

Task #4 Build Connections on Facebook - 30 min

Task #5 Grow on Facebook- 15 min

All of this takes around 45min to an hour per day.

Bonus Tasks

#1 Go Live using one of the scripts you created during your prep session.

#2 Host a Giveaway. In network marketing these are referred to as host a post, every company does these, but you can do them on your own as well. The video below goes into more detail, but you're basically having someone else post for you on their page and collecting emails and/or exposure from their followers.

#3 Show yourself using your products in your stories.

Thank you so much for tuning into this training! Until next time, this is Tonya reporting to you live from the social marketing trenches. 

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