First off, let's address the elephant in the room: If you're serious about making a lot of money with your network marketing company, you need to be focused on recruiting. You can show me any comp plan in the industry, and I can show you that the bulk of your money is made through new business builders vs products. Still in denial about that fact? This training probably isn't for you and that's ok!

Today I'm going to teach you how to attract high level distributors vs people who just want to make a quick buck. If you're new here, I'm Tonya Johnson, and I started with network marketing back in 2016. You can hear my full story in the corresponding video, but long story short, I replaced my full time income in less than a year, became a top recruiter in my company, and earned all the awards and trips and fun things that came along with the grind. I'm forever grateful to the industry for getting me started in social marketing. I still collect a paycheck from them every month and will for a long while to come, but I don't actively recruit or sell their products anymore for ethical reasons, more info on that in the video. 

I'm now the founder of the BossMom Co where I help small business owners find that coveted work/home life balance. We focus on social media marketing, email marketing, and branding. My goal is to help you build a life off of social media that is just as awesome as the one you portray on instagram. 

Before we jump in, there are 4 types of people in network marketing: Identify which one you are and which one you want to attract to your team. 

Kit Knappers - they sign up and never do anything. A couple of these people sign up as kit knappers on purpose because they want the product that comes in the starter kit, but the majority of kit knappers are actually attracted by what we like to call "false advertising". They sign up because they see someone talking about making easy money on social media or about how they "don't have to sell, just share what you love" or my favorite "you're already doing what I do, I just get paid for it". All of that is false, but it dupes a fair amount of people. What happens is they sign up, realize real quick that they got the old bait and switch, and then they bounce. 

Hobby Hollies - they sign up and never sell much and don't recruit anyone, but they're nice to everyone and show up to zoom calls. Hobby Hollies fall into two categories:

1. They got duped just like the Kit Knappers, but they're sticking it out in hopes of changing the industry. They haven't quite come to terms that recruiting is key, but they really do like the products. 

2. They want to be a Business Building Brenda, but they don't have the skill set required to move up the food chain yet. 

In my experience, most Hobby Hollies fall into category #2. They really want to make money, things just haven't quite clicked for them yet in the recruiting department. Some of them may be lacking the work ethic or perhaps they aren't coachable, but most of them just aren't being taught the skills necessary to make it in the industry. 

Business Building Brendas - these are the movers and shakers of the industry. These are the people who understand the power of building a personal brand and recruiting high level people into their team. They show up to all of the meetings and events, encourage their fellow teammates, and are always working to improve their skills by taking classes and attending conferences outside of their specific company. These are the Dream Team Players. To recruit them, you have to first become them which we'll talk about in just a minute. 

Crafty Carens - these are the professional level grifters. To the untrained eye, they look like Business Building Brendas, but to the trained eye, one look at their social media pages and you can tell the difference. Check out the corresponding video to see some of the tell tell signs. Crafty Carens are all about the false advertising and they jump from one product to another selling anything they think they can talk their audience into buying. Is there a new money making scheme going around social? You can count on them to be promoting it. The current scheme is Cliqly, but there have been many others in the past and there will be many more to come. 

4 Things You Need To Know

So now let's focus on how we recruit a team full of Business Builders. This doesn't mean they already possess the knowledge to come in and build a massive organization, although they may, it simply means they have the mindset for network marketing. They understand they need to recruit. They have no problems working hard and putting in the hours. They are beyond coachable, and they are ready to run with you! You help them, they help you, it's a win win for everyone. 

1. You Have to Have a Brand

Business Builders have a mindset already geared toward business. They don't want to be someone that shills random crap on the internet, they want to build a business and a brand that they're proud of. If you want them to join you, YOU have to be building a brand that you're proud of. This means that the company you work for or the product you sell can not be front and center. The most important part of attracting business builders is your brand. Here's a self guided social media audit that you can use to see how well you are branded.

2. You Have to Be Forth Coming

If you're posting about how easy it is or using the word "simple" and then getting offended when someone mistakes it for "easy", you likely have a team full of anything but Business Builders. Check out the corresponding video to see some posts that DON'T attract Business Builders. 

3. You Have to Talk About the Opportunity

You have to consistently share what the business has done for you AND for your teammates. A good rule to follow is the 3/3/3 rule. Every third day, you share about the business in a different way on your main feed. 

lifestyle post/testimonial/call to action

In your stories, you share about the business daily

You can see examples of these in the corresponding video

4. You Have to Teach the Skills

Branding and Email Marketing are the two must have skills for the 21st century when we're talking about digital marketing. If you're not willing to invest some time and money into learning those skills yourself, you're not going to attract a team of Business Builders. They are ready to jump in with both feet and build a successful business, so they want a leader who is willing to invest in the necessary skills to help them make that happen. If you're on the fence in your own business, they'll smell that and join with someone else. 


In order to attract the best business builders onto your team, you first have to know who you're talking to. Who is your perfect distributor? Fill out the above worksheet, and next time you post about your opportunity, post to that person. I've also included a bonus video with this freebie where I walk you through the exact avatar I used to attract my own dream team.


One of the most commonly asked questions I get is what DMO (daily method of operations) someone should be doing. I've put lists together so many times only to have them be obsolete a few months later, so unfortunately I can't tell you what you need to do daily. What I can do is provide a roadmap for you to figure out your own DMOs. Click here to get both the DMO for building strictly on social media as well as for building through email marketing; I've also included posting schedules for both. 


If you like anything you see, simply click on the picture for more information. 

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