If you told me I had to ditch everything I was doing and only focus on one thing, what would it be?

Before I share this, If you’re new here, I’m Tonya Johnson. I’ve been working full time from social media since 2016 while juggling all things marriage, ministry, and motherhood. This channel is for all the moms out their wearing all the hats and truly living that #bossmom life.

Building an online business comes with people telling you a million things to do to make your business make more money. A lot of the time, the advice is coming from someone who hasn't found success themselves, they've just decided to become a "coach" for lack of better term to see if they can make some money that way. Before you know it, your schedule is just as booked as before you left your 9-5, but your bank account isn’t any fuller. As someone who's been successful in the online world for almost a decade now, if I had to get rid of everything except one thing when it comes to building on social media, I’d only keep videos.

I’d ditch the carousel and static posts, throw the stories in the trash, and leave cold messaging in the dust. Now, if you have time for all of the those things, why not utilize all of it? But to those of you who have very little time, focus on the video content. Videos help people see your personality. They help people like, know, and trust you faster than any other piece of content you can put out.

Now, you can’t just go posting ANY videos and expect results. You have to be posting the right kind of content and following the correct format. The freebie I put together for you today is my video strategy planner. You can download that below. We’re going to be talking about the different types of videos I’d suggest, but as far as the actual content, make sure you check out the FRESH format that I follow which is also linked below.


Here are the 3 types of videos every content creator should be posting:

1. Long Form Videos

These are videos that you share on either Facebook or instagram. They’re typically longer than 3 minutes and have a scroll stopping title, an introductory section that isn’t more than 30-60 seconds long that tells the viewer what they can expect from the video plus who you are and why they should watch to the end, value based content, and then a clear call to action. These videos can be prerecorded and posted to social media, or for the best engagement, they can be shared on the platform as a live video.

These videos are primarily value based; they are not videos where you talk about your product or why your audience should join your team the whole time, although you can drip that in there in one or two places. Dripping simply means talking about one of your products or services in passing. So for example, some of you guys are wondering what kind of content you could possibly talk about for a video like this so what I would naturally tell you is that my strategy sessions are a great place to gain clarity on this. My new client Tasha was struggling with this concept also and in one 45 min session with me we ironed out 10 videos for her to start making and marketing to her audience that spoke directly to her target market while still dripping her products in a way that will absolutely bring in sales. By the way, if that’s something you’re interested in, click the button below.

2. Short Form Videos 

These videos are typically 30-90 seconds and are also known as tik toks or reels. Funny content that relate to your niche with humor gets the most engagement as of now, but value based short form videos are also a great way to go. You can do these as stand alone videos or you can take a longer video and extract multiple short form videos from that. More info on that concept in the corresponding video

3. Funnel Videos 

These are thank you videos attached to your freebies. When people download your freebie they’ll be redirected to a sales page that thanks them for downloading and then prompts them to watch a video that then tells them of a paid product they may be interested in as well as a discount they can use if they buy it before they leave that page.

Ok, so 3 action steps to write down and do immediately.

1. Download free video strategy planner
2. Write out 3-5 topics you can easily talk about, choose one and using the strategy planner, turn it into a script
3. Don’t overthink it, prop up your phone, hit live, and start talking. Tag us @thebossmom co and we’d love to come engage with it for you!

Until next time, I’m Tonya Johnson teaching you how to manage all things marriage, motherhood, and money. Have a great rest of your week.


If you like anything you see, simply click on the picture for more information. 

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